NRC Video Clips

The nine links lettered A to I below will take you to amateur videos records of events during the wave flume model testing at the NRC hydraulics laboratory in Ottawa.



In this clip you can watch as sand liquefaction is triggered by wave action and then its subsequent return to stability at a lower potential and higher density.


Shown here is the way in which we built model berms having the soil-structural benefits of inward Seepage Forces.


The removal of the drainage well array, prior to wave loading, is shown here.


This clip shows considerable erosion of top of sandfill because of the crest being too close to the water surface.


Lowering the berm crest level can be seen to reduce the amount of erosion required.


Model berm behaviour while using internal drainage and relatively low waves.


Model berm behaviour while using internal drainage and intermediate wave height.


Model berm behaviour while using internal drainage and waves of greater height.


Shown in this clip is the circular header we employed when modeling underwater sandfill island building.