The "HODGE" part of this site's name denotes William E. Hodge, variously referred to as Bill Hodge or W.E. Hodge, and sometimes as the presonal pronoun "I".

It seems that from an early age Hodge showed an aptitude for problem solving, and when his primary school teacher found that in Grade 6 he could prove the Euclidian theorems without help, it was decided that when he was old enough he should be made into some sort of an engineer. In due course his schooling was at the Cork constituent college of the National University of Ireland.

In 1961 he received a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering, together with the Peel Memorial Prize for his participation in the sporting and political life of the university during his bacaloriate year.

In 1963 he received his Masters in Soil Mechanics and Soil Physics after examination by Professor A. W. Skempton of Imperial College, London.

Hodge was registered as a practicing Professional Engineer in the province of British Columbia, and was an invited Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Recently he resigned from both affiliations.

He was asked by APEGBC to represent that regional authority as their representative on the Emergency Response Team for Dam Failures. He accepted.

In the past, as guest lecturer at the University of British Columbia's Point Grey campus, he presented many case histories, and on two occasions has given his 37 lecture course on Dam Design.

Hodge designed each individual mechanical part, that when put together, go to making up the many interchangeable modules of the Phoenix™ Machine; the Trident deployment unit; and the Strata Mixer.

He takes pride in being able to build a car engine from individual parts, and a house from foundation to roof, provided as the need arises, he can find a willing hand to hold the other end of long or heavy bits.

The page "Publications and Patents" [see link below] is a list of his more signigicant technical writings and some of his Patents and claims to industrial novelty.

The hydrodynamic model testing at the National Research Centre in Ottawa provided useful insights into the behaviour of underwater sandfill construction. Hydrodynamics

The page "Interesting Job" [see link below] provides access to several jobs where he believes he learned something worthwhile about the real world.

Hodge owns Phoenix Engineering Ltd.